Unlock blackberry 8830 with MML

I bought a blackberry 8830, which one I dreamed for a long time, few days ago. But I got some problems in using this new cell phone. The most serious problem is that the 8830 was contract with Verizon, a US mobile communication network provider and I can’t access in China. After many hard trials, […]







CSS Tricks for IE and Firefox

When designing your website, it’s annoying that your css file can not suit any browsers even though its writen under W3C standards. These errors occurs often in IE6. In contract, Firefox, opera, safari and chrome do well on css explaination. Now, I’d like to share my experiences on css hacks. This post will help you to distinguish IE6, […]

CSS hack 区分兼容IE6,IE7,firefox等浏览器

在使用CSS进行网页布局设计的时候,最烦人的莫过于不同浏览器对于CSS属性的解释不同造成网页错位了,尤其有时候自己的CSS代码完全符合W3C标准,这种状况在IE6中出现的最多,而相对来说Firefox,opera,safari,chrome等标准浏览器问题相对较少,然而在中国,IE6或者说以其为核心的其他浏览器还是应用最为广泛的一个,这也就导致我们需要花费大量的时间来进行浏览器兼容工作,以下就来介绍一下在设计网页中总结到的CSS hack经验。