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终于答辩结束,晕头转向的忙活了这么多天之后终于可以轻松一下了。做论文期间的文章也都是插空休息的时候谢谢想法,有点凑文章的概念了啊,不过四天一片的频率倒是没有被打断了,以后就准备用这个频率更新啦,一来免得老是没东西可写更新不规律,二来更新周期也不算太长。下月就要入职了,博客的命运还不知道会怎么样了。 开博就快两年了,看到挺多的博主因为工作了就停更了,真不知道会不会也有此下场啊,尤其是这种除了查资料
Scroll compressor was created at 1905, by a French engineering Leon Creux. But as the technology of the period was not advanced to construct a working product, first practical scroll compressors did not appear on the market until 1980s. Since 1970s, the energy crisis and the appear of high precision CNC milling machine brings the […]
Scroll compressor was created at the beginning of 1900s. Due to the limitation of processing technology, there are no product before the 1970s. Now the scroll compressor is the major compressor used by air conditioning. However, there are still many technology shortages of oil-free scroll compressor. I find it hard to get the right equations for calculation […]
涡旋压缩机最早诞生于1905年, 由法国工程师Leon Creux发明的,由于加工技术的局限性,80年代初才开始批量生产。70年代开始,由于能源危机的加剧和高精度数控铣床的出现,为涡旋机械的发展带来了机遇。