Free WordPress Theme SimpleBlue

Free Wordpress Theme SimpleBlue

Description: SimpleBlue is my first free widget supported Wordpress theme.  It’s simple but stylish. I used bold design on my color selection. A dark gray  background with a deep blur navigation bar makes SimpleBlue very bright-colored. I build 6 widget column for your convenience.  There are three in the sidebar. The main widget column is 300px wide and […]

How to Choose Server Plan for Online Business

With the highly developed Internet technology, it’s now easy for a company to sell its products to the whole world by set up a simple online business website. However, many entrepreneurs don’t know choose a suitable server planfor their online business. While the right web hosting plan plays a crucial role succeed on  e-business.  After reading this […]


国内通常会用到的几大论文期刊数据库中,中国知网可以说是收录期刊杂志最为全面、数据量最大的数据库之一,也是我们最常会用到的一个中文数据库。 中国知网CNKI,作为中国知识资源总库,归属国家“十一五”重大出版工程,在这里收录了各类论文和学术期刊,内容丰富,是一个写论文找资料非常不错的地方。对于写毕业论文,在这里找资料那是相当的丰富。     (直接查看免费账号)



Key points in planning a WordPress powered blog

Before you starting to run a value added wordpress powered blog, it is important to begin with a full understanding of planning considerations going in and what has to be accomplished in the overall scheme of things. Planning your overall strategy will help you reach your goal in the short future after you started blogging. […]

Why should CN block popular websites

You may think it unbelievable if one day one of you friend tell you that Twitter, Facebook and Youtube is blocked in your country. But it is exactly the truth in China. We can not access these most popular websites around the world. I feel some angry as I can like some of blocked websites […]

Best free web hosting review: 000WebHost

Have you ever heard a free web hosting can offer you all the advantages a paid web hosting may give you? It may seems unbelievable when I tell you that there is one choice: 000webhost. Surely, I’m not joking. 000WebHost is the best free web hosting provides free and practical web hosting plans. If you […]


本着折腾到底不罢休的精神,又给博客做了个手术,这手术做的可不轻松,啃下了WP最艰难的部分。本次修改主要是为了支持嵌套回复,也是为了提高用户体验的一个重大举措吧,其实要纯粹的支持嵌套回复功能倒是简单,然而同时要正常使用ThinkAgain的Mail to Commenter插件来邮件回复的时候,问题就会随之而来了。昨晚折腾到半夜三点,终究是把问题给解决了。关键点在于如何让主题支持嵌套以及如何支持邮件回复。


到目前为止,绝大部分的网页都使用CSS来控制页面显示外观,在进行网页设计的过程中,为了能够呈现精彩的页面效果,自然无法避免大量的CSS属性,于是在这么多的属性过程中,我们有时不免犯下这样那样的失误或者说对属性进行了重复定义,遇到这样的问题,我推荐大家两款CSS代码检查与优化工具:CSS tidy 和 W3C CSS 验证服务。通过两个工具的配合使用,完善CSS代码以及压缩文档大小,进一步优化你的CSS代码。 W3C CSS验证服务 相信大家都应该不